Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Eight Values of Free Expression

In America today, the first amendment protects the rights of Americans to have freedom of speech. Throughout this course, we have indulged in the different ways the first amendment protects Americans from the government. The Eight Values of Free Expression are what allow citizens to remain protected in freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, and petition. Although I find value in all eight expressions, I have particularly resonated with Promote Innovation and Protect Dissent. 

 Promote Innovation

    To Promote Innovation within the first amendment is described as protecting free speech to promote a society that is interesting, diverse, creative, and is able to generate unique perspectives. One instance that comes to mind is the idea of censorship in social media. With Tik Tok recently being banned for less than a day, it forced me to reflect on my past social media usage. Promote Innovation directly piqued my interest because growing up, none of my media exposure or internet access was ever censored by my parents. I believe this allowed me to create my own perspectives and unique ideas on what I saw in the media. Government censorship can hinder a society's perspective on groups of people, current events, and important figures. 

    One case that delved into censorship on the media is Reno V. American Civil Liberties Union in (1997). This case aimed to censor content on the internet with the intent to protect minors from content that is considered "harmful" or "inappropriate". The final verdict of the case was decided to protect the internet as a platform of self-expression free from government censorship. This case ruled that the media is a safe space for freedom of speech, perspectives, and ideas.

Protect Dissent

    The idea of Protect Dissent under the first amendment is to protect a citizen's right to criticize the government and anyone else. Critiquing and disagreeing with authority is what allows our society to change for the better, creating an idea that all perspectives can be heard and considered. In today's world, it is accessible for the public to disagree with government policies through peaceful protests and social media. To create social change, disagreeing with the government can be extremely effective and arguably one of the most important ideals to keep a government in check. Protect Dissent almost allows the public to add as an additional "check and balance". Protect Dissent immediately reminded me of the March on Washington. Martin Luther King Jr. Day just passed, which allowed me to reflect on the peaceful protest.

    The March on Washington was a peaceful protest that enacted freedom of speech, freedom to petition, and freedom to assemble. Martin Luther King Jr. presented one of the most famous speeches, "I Have a Dream," which presented issues with social inequities due to racism. The march acted as a push for the government to end racial discrimination and ultimately pass legislation that protects the rights of African Americans. This march allowed citizens to critique the U.S. government and social normality of racist practices. 

Why Should We Continue to Value the First Amendment?

    As Americans, our first amendment right is what gives each individual a voice. In a world where citizens can feel meniscal to the mass majority of opinions and ideas, our first amendment is what creates uniqueness, value in differences, and value in speaking one's mind.

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