Wednesday, January 29, 2025

EOTO - Technology Presentations

     Through our classes EOTO, I was able to learn lots of new information about technologies that shape our world today. Although all of the presentations were able to fascinate me and teach me something new, I want to focus on the history and impacts of VCR. 

    The VCR has particularly peaked my interest because growing up I had a VCR! Before getting a Samsung TV, I had a VCR television that would play The Lion King and The Little Mermaid. Since I have gotten to experience how a VCR works, I was astounded by how much I didn't know. 

    The first household VCR was created in 1975 by Sony, it was called Betamax.  The VCR had a complicated makeup that included parts like videotape, video heads, tape transport mechanism, video processor, and audio processor. This invention allowed entertainment to be consumed in the home. It created new habits for people to watch television, recording and reviewing their favorites. This also began the idea of home video rentals and the concept of cable television. This allowed a new and less expensive way to consume home entertainment. 

    When VHS became popular, it had many more positive impacts as opposed to the original Betamax.  The VHS has a tracking button, affordability, and was sturdy. The VHS began to revolutionize and become a household product most families used, and was now a mainstream source of media. 

Although I had a VCR in 2005, I wasn't aware that it maintained popularity until 2003, many companies were new and upcoming in televisions that ran quickly and had streaming services. The early 2000s even seems late for the VCR to still be used in households, as the iPhone came out less than 10 years later. 

    The history of VCR and its impacts on the world today are imperative to understand the evolution of technology. During this EOTO, I was able to learn about new technological advances that helped shaped what the world looks like today! I really enjoyed the EOTO and plan to work on my presentation skills in the upcoming presentation. Learning about different technologies has inspired me to consider doing a deeper dive into the iPhone and it's history!


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